Fig. 5H. Tune kicker H plane (L channel) time-domain processed signal.
It was made by selecting 0.3 s parts of the original 96 kS/s record with tune kicker activity every 4 s.
Fig. 5V. Tune kicker V plane (R channel) time-domain processed signal. Comments as for the corrseponding H plot on the left.
Fig. 6H. 3D spectra of the above tune kicker signal, H plane.
Fig. 6V. 3D spectra of the above tune kicker signal, H plane.
Fig. 7H. Contour plot of the spectra of the above tune kicker signal, H plane. All spectrum frames are normalised to one maximum value.
Fig. 7V. Contour plot of the spectra of the above tune kicker signal, V plane, noprmalised as the corresponding H plot.
Fig. 8H. Contour plot of the spectra of the above tune kicker signal, H plane. Each spectrum frame normalised separately.
Fig. 8V. Contour plot of the spectra of the above tune signal, V plane, noprmalised as the corresponding H plot.